Warren Buffett’s Tips for Fast Success

Bamz Ola

Legendary investors and billionaire Warren Buffett are currently one of the richest people in the world. To be a successful person like today, Buffett has many tips. These tips are suitable for young people who want to be successful and can focus on learning how to write and speak clearly. […]

Bad Bill Gates Habits Before Success

Bamz Ola

Suskes like Bill Gates turned out to have bad habits that must be overcome. Even Bill Gates once got a C for one of the subjects. Before turning Microsoft into a giant global company, Gates missed many things. Before founding Microsoft, Gates was a teenager obsessed with technology at Lakeside […]

EMTK CEO Becomes Hero of Asian Philanthropy 2018

Bamz Ola

The 12th annual philanthropic program made by Forbes magazine has selected dozens of candidates who are active in the field of dilantrophy in the Asia-Pacific region to be awarded the title of 2018 Asian Philanthropy Hero. Eddy Sariaatmadja is the only Indonesian billionaire included in the list along with 39 […]